I join radio exercise with neighbors who are mostly elderly people. It starts 6:30 if it is not a rainy day. Six minutes walk is required from my house. You can join it.
Check my vegetable field
Recently I planted seeding of seep potatoes.
Make words for signboard
I made word plates for a signboard.
Today it is serious rainy day. I will put them on a board within a few days.
Lodging starts June 1st
It takes much time. The private lodging PRISM starts June 1st. Please reserve the dates. First you check the availability and send the request it via contact form.
The Notification was accepted by Chiba prefecture
Today, the notification for “Minpak” Prism was accepted by Chiba prefecture. The acception no. is M120032729. That is shown in the following page.
“Minpaku” Prism will start
I am now preparing to start a “Minpaku” offering accommodation for staying in private rooms. It will be April 1st.